Matteo Ponzone
Saint George with Saints Jerome and Tryphon

First half of 17th century
Treviso Cathedral

In a starry heaven, the Father sends his blessing on St. George, who is pictured as usual on a white charger dispatching a dragon. The painting omits the traditional red-cross banner and grateful princess.

On the left St. Jerome holds a maquette of a church, an attribute customary in his portraits in Dalmatia and the Veneto. For a time he was an adviser to Pope Damasus I, so his portraits traditionally give him the red vestments of a cardinal.

St. Tryphon was said to have been martyred during the persecutions of Decius circa 259. His vitae in the Acta Sanctorum (November vol. 4, 357-373) recount a large number of miracle cures effected by him. Nothing in them would explain the maquette of a fortress that the saint holds in this painting. In the Middle Ages his feast day was November 10; currently it is February 1.

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Photographed at the cathedral by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.